

Our mission at Addressable is to empower Web3 marketers to effectively connect with their audience. Through our innovative solution for associating blockchain and social media data, we enable marketers to acquire new users and reactivate existing ones, as well as providing valuable insights and measuring end-to-end campaign performance. With Addressable, web3 marketers can finally have the toolbox they really need: explore the market, build audiences, launch effective campaigns and track their performance.

The Web3 Growth Suite 🚀

Example video by Addressable

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At Addressable, we empower Web3 giants with cutting-edge technology, crafted by the industry’s finest data and cyber engineers, enabling effortless creation of marketing campaigns tailored to audiences of wallet owners. Our Web3 Growth Suite seamlessly integrates blockchain and social data, allowing us to deeply understand Web3 users and execute targeted campaigns across various platforms, including Twitter Ads and a vast network of over 400,000 websites and mobile apps. With a relentless focus on optimizing for on-chain conversions, Addressable delivers a full Web3 to Web2 attribution system, meticulously evaluating campaign performance across channels by tracking website visits, wallet connect logins, and on-chain events. Over the past year, Addressable has demonstrated its prowess by successfully executing campaigns for hundreds of blockchain companies, earning the trust of well-known names like Immutable, BigTime, Polygon, Hashflow, Radix, Bancor, and Travala.

Gallery of images from Addressable projects

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