Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a Pokémon-inspired universe where anyone can earn tokens through skilled gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. Players can battle, collect, raise, and build a land-based kingdom for their pets. All art assets and Axie genetic data can be easily accessed by 3rd parties, allowing community developers to build their own tools and experiences in the Axie Infinity universe. Although Axie is still in early access, Axie is ranked the #1 Ethereum game by daily, weekly, and monthly active users. It has generated over 6,400 ETH in revenue (2M+ USD) so far. While Axie is a fun game, it's also taken on characteristics of a social network and jobs platform due to the strong community and play to earn opportunities that have come from its early success.

Battle and collect adorable creatures called Axies while earning crypto!


Example video by Axie Infinity

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Axie Infinity is a game about collecting and raising fantasy creatures called Axie, on the Ethereum platform. Besides collecting and raising, you can make a team of Axies to battle in the arena. You can also buy, sell, and trade Axies with others on the marketplace.
Clients include: Maker, Samsung, HTC, Ubisoft, Binance
Year founded: 2018
Ho Chi Minh City, NA

Gallery of images from Axie Infinity projects

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Axie Infinity

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Computer Games


gaming, virtual worlds, computer games, Non-Fungible Tokens


Coming soon...










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