Bain & Company

Bain & Company

Galaxy (TSX: GLXY) stands as a technology-driven financial services and investment management firm, dedicated to offering institutions and direct clients a comprehensive range of financial solutions across the digital assets ecosystem. With a robust presence, Galaxy Digital operates through five integrated business lines: Trading, Asset Management, Principal Investments, Investment Banking, and Mining. At the helm of the company is CEO and Founder, Mike Novogratz. Headquartered in New York City, Galaxy Digital extends its reach through offices strategically located in Chicago, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands (registered office), and New Jersey. For further insights into the company's diverse portfolio of businesses and products, interested parties can visit

Engineering a new economic paradigm.


Example video by Bain & Company

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Strategy, Customer Strategy & Marketing, Performance Improvement, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, Organization, Results Delivery, Information Technology, and Corporate Renewal
10,001+ employees
Year founded: 1973
131 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116, US

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Bain & Company

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Business Consulting and Services


Crypto, Digital Assets, and Blockchain Technology


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