
The fastest-growing technology solutions company in LATAM and the US, providing end-to-end solutions. The heart of our work is software outsourcing, testing, and operational support, assuring a service of fully managed teams that integrate seamlessly into your projects.

Accelerate Your Roadmap With Our Vetted Nearshore Tech Talent.


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1. Staff Augmentation: Boost your tech team’s capabilities by seamlessly integrating our experts. We get you going faster than hiring in-house, giving you access to highquality tech talent from the Americas when you need it. Together, we’ll achieve your goals efficiently and effortlessly. 2. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TEAMS: Spin up one or more teams to work directly with you. We assess your needs, assemble the team with the exact skills you need, and then integrate them seamlessly into your company 3. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT OUTSOURCING: Forget about the day-to-day. Outsource the entire software development lifecycle to your dedicated team comprising whatever skills you need – from design to DevOps. Our dedicated project manager oversees the development and keeps you updated.
Clients include: Google, Meta, Pinterest, Autodesk, Sansar
Year founded: 2009

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