Galaxy (TSX: GLXY) is at the forefront of technology-driven financial services and investment management, offering a comprehensive suite of financial solutions across the digital assets ecosystem to institutions and direct clients alike. With a firm foundation, Galaxy Digital operates through five synergistic business lines: Trading, Asset Management, Principal Investments, Investment Banking, and Mining. Spearheaded by CEO and Founder Mike Novogratz, Galaxy Digital is headquartered in the vibrant hub of New York City, with a widespread presence in key global centers including Chicago, San Francisco, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, the Cayman Islands (registered office), and New Jersey. For further insights into the company's diverse range of businesses and products, interested individuals can explore
Virtual reality, augmented reality, Immersive contents, SAAS platforms, VR, AR, Metaverse, 3D Social Worlds, XR, BlockChain, NFT, Global Strategic Support, and Social AR
Clients include: VRROOM Entertainment Metaverse, L’Oréal R&I, Le Passage
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