Brand Therapy

Brand Therapy is brand strategy for the web3 era. It includes intense brand therapy sessions that simulate brand consciousness for internal stakeholder alignment and purpose driven product development. It also includes brand house authenticity for AI enhanced 1:1 brand-consumer conversations. Combined, we put your brand in the middle of product and market for continuous product market fit. Brand Therapy is also the holder of patents which are used for digital brand authenticity, the autonomous NFT format, and co-creation commerce.

Let your brand speak for itself


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Brand Therapy sessions covering brand strategy, organizational psychology, product and business development, and marketing creative ideation. AI character development for brand steward training and external web3-level communications. New line of revenue product and business development that aligns your company mission with your company’s bottom line.
Clients include: Parallel Worlds, The Team Flow Institute, The Acosta Institute, Rocket Smart,, The Congruent Living Academy
Year founded: 2018

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Brand Strategy



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