
Cosmow is a gaming advertising solutions provider and top-tier metaverse game development studio, known for creating high-engagement campaigns and immersive experiences within the Roblox platform. For more information, visit

Experts at engaging Gen Z & Gen Alpha audiences through immersive worlds.

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IN-GAME ADVERTISING Take advantage of the tens of millions of daily active users on the Roblox platform through non-invasive, high-visibility, effective ads. Reach millions in a short amount of time!   MERCHANDISE GIVEAWAYS There is nothing Roblox players love more than free virtual merchandise. Generate massive engagement and brand awareness through giving away branded virtual merchandise. BRANDED POP-UPS Connect with players on a deeper level by taking advantage of existing games and their large traffic volumes. Integrate your brand seamlessly in popular experiences! IMMERSIVE WORLDS Get your audience to be a part of the action with a custom immersive world filled with key marketing material, engaging gameplay, and the potential to generate revenue.    
Clients include: Adidas, Nickelodeon,, Exclusible, ELMNTL
Year founded: 2023

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