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Linum Labs

Linum Labs

Linum Labs is a global team of developers, entrepreneurs, and change-makers passionate about empowering people through building decentralized systems and solutions to create real-world impact and a healthier society.Founded in early 2016, Linum Labs strives to be at the forefront of Web3 thought leadership and software development in Africa and Europe. With headquarters based in Switzerland and offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Berlin, Linum is able to serve a multitude of geographies. Focusing on the synergy between health and identity, with a people-centric approach, we aim to unlock new opportunities and improve upon existing systems. We believe that our communities are the builders, contributors, and users of blockchain solutions, and thus form a fundamental part of the decentralized future that we are building.By building our own in-house blockchain solutions, with years of experience collaborating on a number of large-scale projects, we have a strong foundation of hands-on experience and thought-leadership to build solutions that matter.Our global reach enables our partners to benefit from our extensive network of technology partners, cryptographers, innovators, protocol developers, and corporates.Commitment to collaboration, education and growing the global blockchain community has expanded through South Africa, Berlin, Cairo; Lagos; Nairobi; and 9 other countries. We actively seek a means of ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to learn through our platforms and events by embracing emerging technologies to build a decentralized future, together.

Bridging the gap between people and web3 technology through Blockchain software development and consulting


Example video by Linum Labs

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Clients include: Barclays, Lokr, Ledger, Bancor, Fairdrive
Year founded: 2016

Gallery of images from Linum Labs projects

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Linum Labs

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Top Blockchain Development Services


Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Digital Assets, Blockchain Development, Blockchain Talent, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Training, Ethereum Training, Hackathons, Community, and Meetups


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