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The Graph

The Graph

The Graph is building a protocol for building decentralized applications quickly on Ethereum and IPFS using GraphQL.On The Graph, queries are processed on a decentralized network that ensures that data remains open and that dApps can continue to run no matter what. Users don’t have to trust teams to operate s

Indexing protocol for querying blockchain data with GraphQL.


Example video by The Graph

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The Graph simplifies access to blockchain data, facilitating participation in the incentivized data economy of web3. Through open source APIs known as subgraphs, The Graph organizes blockchain data efficiently and accurately, catering to various web3 data requirements.

Subgraphs, curated by the community, serve as high-quality interfaces for accessing blockchain data, sourced from a network of Indexers, Curators, and Delegators. To contribute to this ecosystem, individuals can engage in various roles within The Graph network:

Delegator: Stake GRT to support Indexers and participate in network governance.

Indexer: Operate an Indexer node to serve subgraph data to users.

Subgraph Developer: Follow best practices to develop, migrate, and publish subgraphs onto the network.

Advocate: Join the AdvocatesDAO to promote The Graph within the community.

Curator: Stake GRT to curate subgraphs and ensure data quality.

Core Dev Call Participant: Stay informed about protocol updates through monthly core dev calls.

GIP Reviewer: Review Graph Improvement Proposals to contribute to protocol enhancements.

For those eager to learn and engage further, The Graph offers a range of educational resources, including learning guides, podcasts, community hubs, and courses focused on subgraph development and blockchain querying. Additionally, analytics tools are available for deeper insights into The Graph network’s performance and dynamics.
Year founded: 2018

Gallery of images from The Graph projects

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The Graph

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