The Sandbox

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a decentralized gaming platform where players can create, share, and monetize their own games and experiences. The platform is powered by blockchain technology and enables users to own and trade virtual assets. The Sandbox aims to create a user-owned gaming metaverse that fosters creativity, socialization, and economic opportunities.

The Sandbox is a virtual gaming world where players can build, own, and monetize their gaming experiences.


Example video by The Sandbox

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A sandbox is an isolated testing environment that enables users to run programs or open files without affecting the application, system or platform on which they run. Software developers use sandboxes to test new programming code. Cybersecurity professionals use sandboxes to test potentially malicious software.
Clients include: Playboy, Warner Music Group, Care Bears, Atari, Deadmau5
201-500 employees
Year founded: 2018
Hong Kong

Gallery of images from The Sandbox projects

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The Sandbox

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