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The AWS Industrial Metaverse

The AWS Industrial Metaverse

The industrial Metaverse is looking to be the XR buzzword of 2024. Since mid-2023, firms like Microsoft and Meta moved towards the wordage following the decline of faith towards the initial Metaverse wave towards the start of the year.

The industrial Metaverse is simply an umbrella term which includes immersive (VR/AR/MR) digital solutions that support workplace use cases such as remote collaboration, design processes, and training. Industrial Metaverse solutions could include XR-related innovations such as digital twins, immersive spaces, AR guidance, and simulations.

Arguably, Microsoft kicked off interest in the industrial Metaverse this year when it started rolling out information regarding its industrial Metaverse roadmap during an online showcase. More recently, at Ignite, Microsoft introduced the first updates to its 2024 roadmap, including avatar, immersive space, and AR guidance solutions.

Following a slow adoption of its Pro headset and workplace products, Meta is joining the industrial Metaverse hype-wave with the firm’s marketing, event, and promotional material promoting the industrial Meteaverse as it rolls out XR products to industry professionals.

Another firm entering the space is Amazon Web Services (AWS), as it builds up its immersive product portfolio, ready for a busy 2024 for the XR industry. AWS is seemingly looking to build its spatial computing portfolio; however, what does the leading firm currently offer?

Introducing the AWS Industrial Metaverse

AWS is currently offering a solid foundation for its industrial Metaverse vision to help enterprise end-users leverage XR technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), digital twins, and simulations.

AWS industrial Metaverse solutions leverage VR, AR, and MR solutions and partners to provide customers with avenues to explore XR, improving decision-making, facilitating collaboration, and enabling remote maintenance.

Specifically, AWS offers two core first-party spatial computing solutions for enterprises ready on the cloud.

AWS IoT TwinMaker is a service that streamlines digital twin content creation, assisting customers in designing digital representations of large-scale assets like factories, production lines or smaller objects like industrial equipment.

Moreover, the AWS service supports customers using pre-existing data on the cloud and from multiple sources to optimize digital twin content creation. Additionally, AWS IoT TwinMaker allows clients to attach critical data, unifying valuable real-world data with accessible digital twins.

Currently, many enterprise clients leverage the AWS IoT TwinMaker solutions, including Invista, Carrier, and John Holland, with the firm updating the service to entice more end-users to pick up the product.

AWS also offers SimSpace Weaver, which allows customers to create bespoke immersive spaces and simulations. Leveraging its existing cloud infrastructure, SimSpace Weaver can simulate large-scale environments such as cities with crowds.

XR Today

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