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Web3 User Acquisition Revolution: Low-Cost Web3 Targeted Ads

Web3 User Acquisition Revolution: Low-Cost Web3 Targeted Ads

Mirror World, a leading Web3 development platform, has partnered with Meetsocial,Asia’s largest Ads growth agency, to provide User Acquisition Advertising solution for Web3 games. These solutions focus on Google Web3 Ads, including Audit & Analysis, Keyword Optimization, Icon & Screenshot Enhancement, and Player Acquisition campaigns. all aimed at cost-effectively acquiring Web3 players.

With Mirror World’s solution, Web3 games can find Web3 users in a network of 2.6 million apps on 10 billion devices worldwide. Our Revenue Conversion Engine helps you predict the Lifetime Value (LTV) of every possible user to acquire "whales" wherever they are. Mirror World has powered over 30 large gaming studios and 2000 independent games to be established as the first Blockchain Gaming Conversion Engine.

Mena FN

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