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Qualcomm and Baidu join forces to accelerate metaverse development

Qualcomm and Baidu join forces to accelerate metaverse development

Chinese internet giant Baidu (NASDAQ:BIDU) and Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM) have announced a strategic partnership to develop extended reality (XR) technology and metaverse infrastructures. The announcement was made on Friday, with both companies citing the potential for generative AI as a key area of their collaboration.

The partnership will involve the integration of Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Spaces XR developer platform into Baidu’s XiRang metaverse platform. This move is expected to expedite the development of XR applications, enabling faster delivery of services across various sectors such as tourism, education, and sports.

Qualcomm’s global SVP, Cheng Lixin, expressed optimism about the collaboration, stating that it would catalyze the growth of the metaverse in China. However, this announcement comes at a time when interest in the metaverse and extended reality has seen a decline, with generative AI applications gaining more attention.

Notably, Meta (formerly Facebook (NASDAQ:META)), which rebranded in 2021 to emphasize its commitment to building a metaverse, shifted its focus towards AI during a March earnings call. Despite CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s earlier assertions about the metaverse being a "high-priority growth area", he later emphasized that "advancing AI" was now the company’s "single largest investment".

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